Got A Job Interview in English?!

Got A Job Interview in English?! Get English training from professional English in Tokyo, Japan online or face to face! English lessons for job interviews Tokyo


Michael Machida Career Search Consultant 35 Years Tokyo Japan

9/8/20232 분 읽기

woman smiling holding glass mug sitting beside table with MacBook
woman smiling holding glass mug sitting beside table with MacBook


  • Practice English Interviewing With A Native English Speaker

  • Get Corrections To Your English

  • Learn The Structure Of An Interview Professionally


Michael Machida Career Search Consultant 35 Years Tokyo Japan

ご自宅から学ぶ便益を好むか、対面指導の効果を選びたいかにかかわらず、私たちはあなたのニーズに合ったプロの面接トレーニングを提供しています。オンラインコースでは、あなたは自宅から快適に面接スキルを向上させることができ、自分のペースとスケジュールで学ぶことができます。私たちの専門講師が、どんな面接のシナリオでも優れた成績を収めるためのさまざまなテクニックと戦略を指導します。逆に、より個別のアプローチを好む場合、対面のトレーニングセッションでは、一対一の指導を提供し、面接の技術を習得するのに役立ちます。経験豊富なトレーナーが、あなたの強みと弱点を評価し、トレーニングをあなたの特定のニーズに合わせて調整し、向上のための貴重なフィードバックを提供します。包括的なトレーニングプログラムで、面接の成功に向けて第一歩を踏み出しましょう。¥2400 | Hour

このプログラムまたはその他の情報についての詳細は、Savvy Japanにお問い合わせください。連絡先は以下の通りです:+81.70.9041.6946(日本、東京)またはメッセージを送信してください : ClientServicesJapan @ [送信前にメールアドレスを調整してください]。


Welcome to your very own online magazine, where we bring you the latest headline news and insights into the world of Tokyo English teachers, catering specifically to Japanese students and professionals seeking the best in education in Tokyo, Japan. At TheJEGroup!, our mission is to provide daily English lessons as well as Business English Lessons online or face to face in Tokyo.

In today's fast-paced world, staying updated with headline news is crucial, and our platform is dedicated to delivering timely information to our readers. From Automatic Job Hunting Services to full visa sponsorship, we strive to keep you informed about the latest developments in the field of international employment.

For Japanese students and professionals eager to enhance their English proficiency, finding the right Tokyo English teacher online can make all the difference. Through the always entertaining magazine, we aim to connect students and professionals with experienced English Teachers who can provide personalized instruction tailored to their learning needs.

When it comes to finding job opportunities, both in Domestically and Internationally, with full fledged visa sponsorship, our magazine is your ultimate guide. We feature a wide range of job listings, from teaching positions in Tokyo to opportunities in other countries around the world. Whether you're interested in teaching English or pursuing a career in a different field, we've got you covered.

As you explore our platform, you'll discover a wealth of information about job opportunities when you have a Career Search Consultant by TheJEGroup!, visa sponsorship programs, and tips for navigating the job market Domestically and Internationally. Our goal is to empower both job seekers and employers with the resources they need to succeed in today's competitive landscape.

Whether you're a Japanese student looking for a Tokyo English teacher online, a job hunter seeking new opportunities, or an employer in search of talent, is your trusted source for headline news, jobs with visa sponsorship, & Tokyo English Teachers.

Join us as we navigate the exciting world of international employment together.

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