In Japan, many are puzzled by Donald Trump's prominence as the sole Republican candidate for President of the United States. This article explores the fears and questions surrounding his candidacy and its implications.
Donald Trump Scares Japanese Nationals
Donald Trump and MAGA are going to destroy America?
Donald Trump Is Too Old To Be President Of The United States Of America?
Michael TJ International Reporter Tokyo, Japan
When I travel around Tokyo and speak with Japanese nationals about Donald Trump, one of the first responses is a glare and the question: Do you like Trump? A Japanese way to check my opinion first before they answer as to not to create a difficult conversation about my American feelings for Trump. Saving face.
I immediately tell them that Trump is not my favorite and so they tend to relax and then say the same as I did.
When I press them for additional information about what they think of Trump as of October 24, 2024 - they say that they are tired of him. No one wants to think of him anymore and they wish that he would just fade away.
Of course there are a few people I speak with about Trump that say in my surprise that they think Trump is strong and a real man. However, almost of these Japanese nationals have a misconception of what Trump stands for. They are lost in translation.
Overall, most Japanese nationals here in Japan simply do not care about politics in Japan or America. However, when I do speak with them about the Presidential elections point-blank then we do talk and they do speak the truth.
Japanese nationals care only about Japan. They only care about how the Presidential election will affect Japan. That's it. And I understand. They are mostly if not always thinking inside Japan and are not global thinkers. Not all. But most.
So, in Japan Trump generally seen as a American who is typically American. Fat. Loud. Ignorant in his own ways. Selfish. Lies when mouth is open. This is not my opinion. This is the opinion of most Japanese. My opinion is much worse than that of the Japanese. Much worse.
Most Japanese nationals do not want Trump with win. They really want him to just go away so that they do not need to be asked by someone like me about how they feel about Trump.
They have their own views of the world and it's limited to Japan.
Many Japanese nationals ask me how the inner-workings of the American political system actually operates. They have no idea. They wonder how Trump who has been found guilty of a few things can run for President Of The United States.
I explain the American Political System to them without much success. They really do not care and neither do I.
Moving back to the core of this article, in Japan Trump and MAGA is seen as the worse of America. They tell me that they had no idea that America has so many ignorant people to vote for Trump. They sometimes do get news outside of Japan about America.
Trump scares people here in Japan. They wonder why a person like Trump is the only one who can run for President Of The United States on the Republican side.
They fear what Trump will do to Japan the most. They fear what Trump with do with his boytoy Putin and with other Dictators around the world.
Japanese nationals may be inward thinkers and care only about Japan and Japanese people, however for the most part they are not ignorant. They know that a Trump Presidency would mean disaster for Japan and the world.
Having said that, it you are going to vote in 2024 -vote. And if you are going to vote for Trump and you find that your life and the lives of others are negatively affected by your decision to vote for Trump, take a long look in the mirror. It's your fault.
Why do some Japanese nationals feel scared or concerned about Donald Trump’s influence on international relations?
What are the main fears surrounding Donald Trump and the “Make America Great Again” movement, and how do they affect global perceptions of the U.S.?
What are the potential consequences for America if Donald Trump’s political agenda continues to shape the country’s future?
How does Donald Trump’s age impact public perceptions of his ability to serve as president, and what are the arguments on both sides of this debate?
In what ways does the age of political leaders influence the way they are viewed by both their citizens and the international community?
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