
2024-Debate-Donald-J-Trump-VS-President-Biden Trump addressed the key issues effectively. Biden looked too old and tired. Trump’s assertiveness is what we ?


Daniel TJ International Reporter Tokyo, Japan

6/28/20244 min read

President Donald Trump
President Donald Trump



Daniel TJ International Reporter Tokyo, Japan The 2024 Debate That Was Painful


  1. Lisa (Lawyer)

  2. Tom (Teacher)

  3. Megan (Doctor)

  4. Carlos (Engineer)

  5. Samantha (Social Worker)

  6. Paul (Business Owner)

  7. Nina (Journalist)

"We saw a Trump we do not like"

Lisa: I think Donald J. Trump won the debate. On the economy, Trump made some good points about how other countries view us. Sure, he didn't answer every question, but he made President Biden look weak. When Trump talked about firing people, it showed he's decisive, which is important for leadership. Biden just seemed too old and out of touch.

Tom: I have to disagree. Biden came across as more experienced, especially on topics like Social Security and healthcare. Trump kept blaming Biden for everything, which felt childish. Biden talking about Pell Grants was practical and relevant for education. Trump’s focus on how other countries view us felt off-topic.

Megan: Honestly, Biden seemed more reassuring, especially on healthcare. Trump kept avoiding direct answers and blamed Biden for everything, which got old fast. Biden might be older, but his experience showed. Trump saying he feels 20 years old doesn’t convince me he’s ready to lead.

Carlos: Trump won for me. He was clear about the border wall and immigration. Biden’s responses felt weak and disconnected. Trump’s criticisms of Biden’s policies made sense. I agree with Trump that America isn’t seen as strong anymore, and that needs to change.

Samantha: I felt Biden was better. His plans for reducing drug issues with technology seemed promising. Trump’s constant blaming and negative tone were exhausting. Biden seemed more focused on solutions, even if he didn’t come across as energetic.

Paul: Trump came out on top. He was assertive and addressed the key issues, especially on immigration and the economy. Biden looked like he was struggling to keep up. Trump might have been harsh, but he showed he’s ready to take action.

"We saw some painful moments"

Nina: I think Biden won. Despite his age, he offered more concrete solutions, especially on climate change and social security. Trump’s constant blaming and negative comments made him look unprofessional. Biden showed wisdom and experience, which we need.

Lisa: Biden did seem out of touch, especially when talking about the economy. Trump’s points about the world laughing at us hit home. He might not have answered everything directly, but he was clear about his stance. Biden’s age is a real concern for me.

Tom: Biden showed his wisdom on climate change and Social Security. Trump’s blaming tactic was tiresome. The fact that Biden acknowledged America’s strength and progress was important. Trump’s complaints about other countries and constant firing of people don’t inspire confidence.

Megan: Biden's approach to healthcare was a highlight. Trump’s failure to answer questions and his aggressive blaming of Biden were major downsides. Biden might be older, but his detailed plans and calm demeanor were more convincing.

Carlos: Trump’s stance on immigration and the border wall was strong. Biden’s responses lacked impact. Trump’s criticism of Biden’s policies was justified. We need someone who can restore our standing in the world, and Trump seems capable of that.

Samantha: Biden’s ideas on using technology to combat drug issues were great. Trump’s negativity was overwhelming. Biden’s experience and calm approach made him seem more reliable. Trump’s claim about feeling young didn’t add any real value.

Paul: Trump addressed the major issues head-on. Biden looked tired and unable to provide strong answers. Trump’s harshness is a sign of his determination. We need a leader who can take action, and Trump fits that role.

"Both were bad. Real bad"

Nina: Biden offered better solutions, especially for climate change and social security. Trump’s constant attacks on Biden’s character were off-putting. Biden’s experience and focus on technology and childcare costs were more convincing than Trump’s bluster.

Lisa: Trump’s approach was more forceful, which is needed. Biden seemed too old and frail to handle the presidency. Trump’s points about America’s failing status were spot on. We need strong leadership, and Trump showed that.

Tom: Biden’s focus on climate change and social security was more convincing. Trump’s constant blaming of Biden for everything was tiresome. Biden’s experience and detailed plans for the economy were better than Trump’s vague promises.

"America deserves better choices"

Megan: Biden seemed more trustworthy on healthcare and drug policies. Trump’s failure to answer questions directly was frustrating. Biden’s calm, experienced approach was more reassuring than Trump’s aggressive tactics.

Carlos: Trump’s firm stance on immigration and criticism of Biden’s policies resonated with me. Biden’s answers were weak and uninspiring. We need a leader who can make tough decisions, and Trump proved he’s capable.

Samantha: Biden’s ideas on using technology to reduce drug problems were promising. Trump’s negative tone was too much. Biden’s experience and calmness made him seem more reliable. Trump’s youthfulness claim didn’t add value.

Paul: Trump addressed the key issues effectively. Biden looked too old and tired. Trump’s assertiveness is what we need in a leader. He might have been harsh, but he showed he’s ready to take action.

Nina: Biden’s solutions for climate change and social security were more convincing. Trump’s attacks on Biden’s character were unprofessional. Biden’s experience and detailed plans for the economy were better than Trump’s aggressive approach.

My final thoughts...

The group is divided on who won the debate. Lisa, Carlos, and Paul leaned towards Trump, valuing his assertiveness and strong stance on immigration and the economy.

Tom, Megan, Samantha, and Nina favored Biden, appreciating his experience, calm demeanor, and detailed plans on healthcare, social security, and climate change.

However, everyone agrees that the debate was sad and painful to watch as both candidates for President Of The United States did not give confidence that either one of them are fit to be the leader of the free world.

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