woman in red and white plaid dress shirt using microsoft surface laptop
woman in red and white plaid dress shirt using microsoft surface laptop



Tia sat in the conference room, fiddling with her pen. She had worked at the Japanese company for over seven years and was hopeful about a promotion.

Matsuoka, her boss, had called her in for a meeting to discuss her future.

Matsuoka walked in, his usual stern expression in place. "Tia, I’ve been reviewing your performance," he began, sitting down across from her. "You’ve done excellent work."

"Thank you, Matsuoka-san," Tia replied, feeling a mix of pride and nerves. "I’m really dedicated to this company."

"I can see that," Matsuoka said, nodding. "You have potential, Tia. But there are certain expectations for those who want to advance."

Tia’s heart skipped a beat. "I’m willing to do whatever it takes to contribute more to the company, Matsuoka-san."

Matsuoka leaned back in his chair, his eyes narrowing slightly. "Good. Building trust is important, and sometimes that means spending time together outside of work. How about we start with a late-night dinner? Just the two of us."

Tia felt a knot form in her stomach. She had heard rumors about Matsuoka’s behavior but hoped they were just that – rumors.

"I appreciate the offer, Matsuoka-san, but I’m not comfortable with one-on-one dinners outside of work."

Matsuoka’s expression hardened. "Tia, flexibility is crucial. Building trust and showing dedication often require personal sacrifices."

Tia felt a mix of anger and fear. "I’m dedicated to my work, Matsuoka-san. I believe that should be enough."

Matsuoka’s smile was thin. "Think about it, Tia. There are also other opportunities to consider – drinks after work, or even overnight travel for business purposes.

These experiences can be very beneficial for your career."

Tia nodded, her mind racing. "I’ll think about it."

As she left the conference room, Tia felt a wave of frustration and disappointment.

She had worked so hard, and now it seemed her efforts might be overshadowed by unethical demands.

Over the next few days, Tia struggled with her thoughts. She talked to a few trusted colleagues, but kept the details vague.

She didn’t want to spread rumors or jeopardize her position. Finally, she decided to confront Matsuoka again, but this time, she would be firm.

"Matsuoka-san," Tia said, walking into his office. "I’ve thought about what you said."

Matsuoka looked up, raising an eyebrow. "And?"

"I’m committed to this company and my career, but I cannot compromise my personal boundaries.

I’m here to work hard and contribute to our success, not to provide personal benefits outside of work."

Matsuoka’s expression darkened. "You’re making a mistake, Tia. This isn’t just about you. It’s about what’s best for the company."

"I understand that, but I believe that compromising my values isn’t what’s best for the company," Tia replied firmly.

Matsuoka stood up, anger flashing in his eyes. "This conversation is over, Tia. You can go."

Tia nodded and left his office, feeling a mix of relief and fear.

She didn’t know what the future held, but she knew she had done the right thing.

As the days passed, Matsuoka continued to push Tia for late-night dinners, drinks after work, and overnight travel.

Each time, Tia found an excuse or politely declined, but the pressure was mounting. She felt trapped and unsure of her next move. She knew she couldn't keep avoiding the situation forever.

Now, Tia is at a crossroads. She doesn’t know what to do. Should she continue to resist and risk her career stagnating?

Should she report Matsuoka’s behavior, even if it means facing potential backlash? Should she try to find another job, despite her years of dedication to this company?

Tia needs advice. What would you do in her situation? Should she stand her ground, report the misconduct, or seek new opportunities elsewhere?

Your thoughts and guidance could make all the difference.

Thank you for visiting the team at . Want to give advice to this weeks situational challenge? Got a problem or situation you need advice on?

Send us a message and we may place your story and / or advice online for people like you to learn from and have a happy life.

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