Can Foreigners Get A Job In Hawaii 2024?

Can foreigners get a job in Hawaii? Hawaii is a great place for foreigners to live and work. Can foreigners get a job in Hawaii? Can Foreigners Get A Job In Hawaii 2024?


Michael Machida Career Search Consultant TheJEGroup!

4/29/20243 min read

woman standing facing green thick forest during daytime
woman standing facing green thick forest during daytime



  • Can foreigners get a job in Hawaii? Yes! Let us explain...

  • Hawaii is a great place for foreigners to live and work

  • There are thousands of jobs in Hawaii for foreigners in 2024

  • How do I join TheJEGroup! Career Search Consultancy?


Michael Machida Career Search Consultant Tokyo, Japan April 30, 2024 Hawaii jobs Report

Have you been thinking of living the island life? Who can blame you? Hawai'i is paradise on Earth.

However, before you pack your bags and hop on the next flight, there's one big question in your head: Can you actually obtain a job there if you're not actually in Hawai'i?

With TheJEGroup!, it's possible for a foreigner to get a job in Hawaii. However, there are some things you'll need to do before you go to Waikiki first.

We recommend that job hunters who wish to live and work overseas in locations like Hawaii from abroad, check out the many different services provided by TheJEGroup!

The thing is, the State of Hawaii isn't just going to hand out jobs to just anyone who sets foot on its sandy shores.

They've got rules, regulations, and laws to abide by. And one of those laws states that if you want to work for the Government of Hawaii, you better be a citizen, national, or permanent resident alien of The United States Of America.

Or, at the very least, you should be eligible under federal law for unrestricted employment in the U.S.

If you're not a U.S. citizen or green card holder, your chances of landing a government job in Hawaii are slim to none. But don't let that discourage you just yet. There are still plenty of other opportunities out there.


If you are thinking of jobs outside of the government sector, you may have an easier time to get a job in Hawaii.

While it's true that many employers in Hawaii prefer to hire locals over foreigners, there are still plenty of businesses in the databases and network offered by TheJEGroup!

These employers are open to hiring people from around the world, as long as you are a member of the group.

Think about it this way: TheJEGroup! offers to assist job hunters to locate and secure new jobs to include full visa sponsorship.

Jobs in hotels and resorts to restaurants and tour companies, there's no shortage of employment opportunities for our members of TheJEGroup!

But here's the thing: just because there are jobs available doesn't mean it'll be easy to land one.

Competition can be fierce, especially in popular tourist destinations like Waikiki or Maui. So if you're serious about making a living in paradise, you'll need to put in the effort to stand out from the crowd.

With TheJEGroup!, we do all of the job hunting for you! That's right! We offer to perform your overseas job hunt as your partner in your global career.

One way to do that is by going through our global data bases and international network. We know people in Hawaii and you will too. Remember, it's not always about what you know, but who you know.

Of course, having the right qualifications and experience can also go a long way. Whether you're a chef, a hotel manager, or a tour guide, employers are going to want to see that you're qualified for the job.

TheJEGroup! will make sure your resume is tailored for the Hawaii market and they will prepare you for the interviews as well.

If you're not a U.S. citizen or green card holder, you're going to need a work visa to legally work in Hawaii.

Getting full visa sponsorship to live and work in Hawaii is not easy to obtain unless you have TheJEGroup! on your side.

Once you are a member of TheJEGroup!, and you interview for a job with a local Hawaiian company [that TheJEGroup! sets up for you], and once you get the job offer from the employer who is willing to sponsor your visa, we will contact you with the good news. It's that easy!

Once you've got your job offer in hand, your employer will need to file a petition with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) on your behalf.

This petition will essentially be a formal request asking the government to grant you permission to work in the U.S. Sounds simple enough, right? Wrong.

So, can a foreigner get a job in Hawaii? Absolutely. Is it easy?

Maybe, however you must be willing to work with TheJEGroup! as your partner in your career search by taking a look at the services we provide domestic and international job hunters.

To contact TheJEGroup!, send a message to: TheJEGroup @, or call in English at: +81.70.9041.6946 Monday - Friday 9:00am to 9:00pm Tokyo, Japan.

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