
Jobs-Thomas-Does-Tokyo with visa sponsorship Choose the country you would like to get international experience in As a member, you get a full range of services


Michael Machida Career Search Consultant 35 Years Tokyo Japan

10/9/20235 min read

person looking up to the flight schedules
person looking up to the flight schedules


  • TheJEGroup! offers to assist you to get a new job with visa sponsorship

  • Choose the country you would like to get international experience in

  • As a member, you get a full range of services to include: Automatic Job Search


Michael Machida [Career Search Consultant] 35 Years Tokyo Japan

Thomas, an adventurous Aussie, had a dream of working in Japan. He wanted a job that not only filled his bank account but also granted him a visa.

Finding a job abroad is not easy, especially when it involves living in a new culture. Thomas, however, had the secret weapon - TheJEGroup!, a team of Career Search Consultants who were as resourceful.

With TheJEGroup!'s assistance, Thomas was in for an unforgettable journey.

Michael Machida, the Lead Career Search Consultant, searched the depths of the Japanese job market, surfed through waves of in-house databases and their own global network, and created the perfect resume for him.

Fast forward a few months, and there was Thomas, standing tall in Japan, ready to tackle his dream job with the assistance of TheJEGroup! He'd landed a job with a company that not only paid him well, but also due to his membership with TheJEGroup!, they also amazingly provided full visa sponsorship.

As he sipped green tea and savored sushi in Tokyo, Thomas couldn't help but thank his lucky stars for TheJEGroup!'s Career Search Services.

So, dear dreamers, if you've ever wanted to live and work overseas, reach out to TheJEGroup! Their Career Search Consultants are ready to speak with global job hunters looking to embark on their own thrilling adventure abroad.

Whether you're planning to jet off for a year or boldly aim for a score of 20 years, TheJEGroup! can assist you.

To become a valued client of TheJEGroup!, and to get your Automatic Job Hunting Program started, send resumes to: Resumes @ SavvyJapan-Today or contact us in English with questions you may have at: +81.70.9041.6946 Tokyo, Japan

Living in Japan as a foreigner can be an exciting, challenging, and enriching experience. Here’s a detailed look into various aspects of life in Japan for someone from another country.

Cultural Adjustment

Japan is known for its unique culture, which can be quite different from what many foreigners are used to. Respect for hierarchy, politeness, and a strong sense of community are deeply ingrained in Japanese society. For example, bowing is a common form of greeting and showing respect. It can take time to get used to, but it’s an essential part of fitting in.

Language Barrier

The Japanese language is complex, with three different scripts: Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji. Learning Japanese can be a significant challenge but also very rewarding. Many urban areas have English signage, and younger people may speak some English, but learning basic Japanese phrases can greatly enhance your experience. For instance, knowing how to ask for directions or order food can make daily life much easier.

Work Culture

The work culture in Japan is known for being rigorous. Long hours and a high level of dedication are expected. For example, it's common for employees to work overtime and attend after-work social gatherings, called "nomikai," with colleagues. Understanding and adapting to these expectations can be crucial for professional success.

Living Costs

Living costs in Japan, especially in cities like Tokyo, can be high. Rent, food, and transportation can add up quickly. For example, a small apartment in Tokyo might cost around ¥100,000 per month, which is roughly $900. However, there are ways to manage expenses, such as shopping at local markets and using public transportation.

Locating Housing

Finding housing as a foreigner can be tricky due to language barriers and some landlords' reluctance to rent to non-Japanese. It's often easier to go through agencies that specialize in helping foreigners. For example, companies like GaijinPot and Suumo provide listings and assistance in English.

Food and Dining

Japanese cuisine is famous worldwide, and living in Japan offers the chance to enjoy it authentically. Sushi, ramen, tempura, and many other dishes are staples. Dining out can range from inexpensive ramen shops to high-end sushi restaurants. Additionally, convenience stores, known as “konbini,” offer a variety of quick and affordable meal options.

Social Etiquette

Japanese social etiquette can be quite different from what many foreigners are used to. For instance, it’s customary to remove your shoes when entering someone’s home and to provide and receive business cards with both hands. Understanding these customs can help avoid misunderstandings and show respect for local traditions.

Public Transportation

Japan’s public transportation system is efficient and punctual. Trains and buses are the primary modes of transport, with the Shinkansen (bullet train) offering fast travel between major cities. Navigating the system can be daunting at first, but there are apps and English-language guides to help. For example, using the Hyperdia app can make planning trips easier.

Making Friends

Making friends in Japan can take time. While Japanese people are generally polite and friendly, building deeper relationships can require patience. Joining clubs, attending language exchange events, and participating in local festivals can help. For example, joining a local sports team or hobby group can be a great way to meet people with similar interests.

Obtaining Healthcare

Japan has a high-quality healthcare system. As a resident, you’ll likely need to enroll in either the National Health Insurance (NHI) or the Employee Health Insurance. This covers a significant portion of medical costs. For example, a visit to the doctor might only cost a few thousand yen with insurance, making healthcare relatively affordable.

Learning Opportunities

Living in Japan offers numerous learning opportunities. You can take Japanese language classes, learn traditional arts like tea ceremony or calligraphy, and explore the country’s rich history. For example, visiting historical sites like Kyoto’s temples or Hiroshima’s Peace Memorial Park can provide deep insights into Japan’s past and culture.

Festivals and Events

Japan hosts numerous festivals throughout the year. These events offer a glimpse into Japanese culture and traditions. For instance, attending the cherry blossom festivals in spring or the fireworks festivals in summer can be memorable experiences. Participating in these events helps you feel more connected to the community.

Technology and Convenience

Japan is known for its technological advancements. Convenience is a big part of daily life, with vending machines on almost every corner and advanced toilet systems in many public restrooms. For example, vending machines offer everything from hot drinks to fresh flowers, making it easy to find what you need on the go.

Natural Beauty

Japan’s natural beauty is stunning. From the beaches in Okinawa to the mountains in Hokkaido, there’s a wide range of landscapes to explore. Hiking, skiing, and hot spring bathing are popular activities. For example, hiking Mount Fuji is a bucket-list experience for many living in Japan.

Challenges and Rewards

Living in Japan as a foreigner comes with its challenges, such as dealing with homesickness and cultural misunderstandings. However, the rewards often outweigh these difficulties. The opportunity to immerse yourself in a rich culture, learn a new language, and experience life in one of the world’s most fascinating countries can be incredibly fulfilling.


Living in Japan as a foreigner is a journey filled with learning and growth. While it requires adaptation and patience, the experiences and memories you gain make it a worthwhile adventure. Whether you’re there for work, study, or personal interest, Japan offers a unique and enriching lifestyle that leaves a lasting impression.

UP NEXT! >>> Japan's Festivals and Parties!
