
Kamala-Harris-Policies-Update has built a platform rooted in addressing systemic injustices and promoting equity across various sectors of American society. KAMALA HARRIS


Daniel TJ International Reporter Tokyo, Japan

8/10/20247 min read

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  • Kamala Harris, as Vice President, has built a platform rooted in addressing systemic injustices and promoting equity across various sectors of American society

  • If she were to become President, her policies would likely reflect a deep commitment to these values

  • Below is a detailed exploration of the policies she might pursue, along with specific examples and initiatives she's supported

What might Kama Harris Policies include?

Daniel TJ International Reporter Tokyo, Japan

Note: SavvyJapan-Today.com nor myself do not endorse any Presidential candidates. This article only is to provide voters with information regarding potential policies. Most voters understand the policies of Donald Trump, however our readers requested a policy update for Kamala Harris.

This is what we found through research:

1. Criminal Justice Reform

  • Ending Mass Incarceration: Harris has consistently advocated for reducing mass incarceration, particularly focusing on the racial disparities that plague the criminal justice system. As a former prosecutor, she’s been criticized for her past tough-on-crime policies but has since pushed for more progressive reforms. For instance, she introduced the Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement (MORE) Act, which would decriminalize marijuana at the federal level, expunge prior convictions, and invest in communities disproportionately impacted by the war on drugs.

  • Cash Bail System: Harris has long called for the elimination of the cash bail system, arguing that it disproportionately affects low-income individuals. As President, she would likely pursue legislation similar to the Pretrial Integrity and Safety Act, which she co-sponsored in the Senate. This bill encourages states to replace cash bail with risk-based assessments, ensuring that decisions about pretrial release are based on the defendant’s risk rather than their ability to pay.

  • Police Accountability: In response to widespread protests against police violence, Harris introduced the Justice in Policing Act with Senator Cory Booker. The act includes provisions such as banning chokeholds, creating a national database to track police misconduct, and ending qualified immunity, which currently protects officers from lawsuits. As President, she would likely push for federal adoption of these measures.

2. Healthcare Reform

  • Strengthening the ACA: Harris has expressed support for building on the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to ensure more Americans have access to affordable healthcare. She co-sponsored Senator Bernie Sanders' Medicare for Allbill, which would establish a single-payer healthcare system, but has also indicated support for a more gradual approach that allows people to buy into Medicare as a public option while keeping private insurance available.

  • Reducing Prescription Drug Costs: Harris has pushed for measures to lower the cost of prescription drugs, such as allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices directly with pharmaceutical companies. She also supported the Affordable and Safe Prescription Drug Importation Act, which would allow Americans to import safe and cheaper drugs from Canada.

  • Maternal Health: Recognizing the high maternal mortality rates, particularly among Black women, Harris introduced the Maternal CARE Act, which aims to address racial disparities in maternal health by providing grants to states to train healthcare providers on implicit bias and fund programs that reduce these disparities. As President, she would likely expand efforts to address health inequities through targeted programs and funding.

3. Economic Equity & Workers’ Rights

  • Minimum Wage Increase: Harris is a strong proponent of raising the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour, aligning with the Raise the Wage Act she co-sponsored. She argues that a living wage is essential for reducing poverty and ensuring that all working Americans can afford basic necessities. As President, she would likely work to implement this increase and index it to inflation.

  • Tax Reform: Harris has advocated for tax reforms that ensure the wealthy pay their fair share. She introduced the LIFT (Livable Incomes for Families Today) the Middle Class Act, which would provide middle-class families with up to $6,000 a year in tax credits. This policy is designed to lift millions of Americans out of poverty and stimulate the economy by increasing consumer spending. Harris would likely pursue similar tax reforms as President, targeting tax cuts for the middle class while increasing taxes on corporations and the ultra-wealthy.

  • Paid Family Leave: Harris supports paid family and medical leave for all workers, co-sponsoring the Family and Medical Insurance Leave (FAMILY) Act. This act would provide workers with up to 12 weeks of paid leave to care for a new child, a seriously ill family member, or their own health issues. As President, she would likely prioritize passing comprehensive paid leave legislation to support American workers and families.

4. Climate Change and Environmental Justice

  • Green New Deal: While Harris has expressed support for the broad goals of the Green New Deal, she has also advocated for practical steps toward achieving them. She introduced the Climate Equity Act with Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, which would ensure that environmental policies consider the impact on frontline communities—those most affected by climate change and pollution. This act would require that any major climate-related legislation undergo an equity analysis to ensure it benefits disadvantaged communities.

  • Clean Energy Transition: Harris supports a rapid transition to clean energy, advocating for investments in renewable energy sources such as solar and wind. She has called for net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 and supports rejoining the Paris Agreement, which the U.S. re-entered under Biden. As President, she might push for expanded federal subsidies for renewable energy, increased funding for research and development in green technologies, and stricter regulations on carbon emissions.

  • Environmental Protection and Conservation: Harris has a strong track record on environmental conservation, supporting efforts to protect public lands and waters. She co-sponsored the Environmental Justice for All Act, which seeks to address environmental racism by ensuring that all communities have equal access to a clean and healthy environment. As President, she would likely expand protections for endangered species, increase funding for national parks, and push for stronger enforcement of environmental laws.

5. Reproductive Rights

  • Protecting Access to Abortion: Harris is a staunch defender of reproductive rights and has consistently opposed efforts to restrict access to abortion. She introduced the Reproductive Rights Act, which would prohibit states from imposing unnecessary restrictions on abortion services and ensure that women can access the care they need without undue burden. She has also proposed a federal standard that would require states with a history of violating Roe v. Wade to obtain federal approval before enacting new abortion laws. As President, Harris would likely work to codify Roe v. Wade into federal law to protect abortion rights nationwide.

  • Affordable Contraception: Harris has pushed for policies that make contraception more affordable and accessible. She co-sponsored the Access to Birth Control Act, which would require pharmacies to provide timely access to contraception. As President, she would likely expand funding for reproductive healthcare services and ensure that insurance plans cover a full range of contraceptive options without cost-sharing.

6. Immigration Reform

  • Pathway to Citizenship: Harris supports creating a pathway to citizenship for the 11 million undocumented immigrants currently living in the U.S., particularly for DREAMers (undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. as children). She co-sponsored the American Dream and Promise Act, which provides a pathway to citizenship for DREAMers and Temporary Protected Status (TPS) holders. As President, she would likely prioritize comprehensive immigration reform that includes provisions for border security, worker protections, and a streamlined legal immigration process.

  • Ending Family Separations: Harris has been a vocal critic of the Trump administration's family separation policy at the U.S.-Mexico border. She introduced the REUNITE Act, which sought to reunite families separated at the border and prevent such separations from happening again. As President, she would likely push for more humane immigration policies, including improving conditions in detention centers and increasing oversight of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

  • Asylum and Refugee Policies: Harris has advocated for restoring and expanding the U.S. asylum and refugee programs, which were significantly reduced under the Trump administration. She supports increasing the refugee admissions cap and ensuring that asylum seekers are treated with dignity and respect. As President, she would likely work to rebuild the refugee resettlement infrastructure and ensure that the U.S. lives up to its international humanitarian obligations.

7. Voting Rights and Protecting Democracy

  • Expanding Voting Access: Harris has been a leading voice in the fight to protect and expand voting rights. She supports automatic voter registration, same-day registration, and making Election Day a national holiday. She co-sponsored the For the People Act, a comprehensive bill that aims to protect voting rights, end partisan gerrymandering, and reduce the influence of money in politics. As President, she would likely work to pass this legislation and implement other measures to make voting more accessible and secure.

  • Restoring the Voting Rights Act: Harris has called for restoring and strengthening the Voting Rights Act, which was weakened by the Supreme Court's 2013 decision in Shelby County v. Holder. She supports the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, which would restore the preclearance requirement that states with a history of voter discrimination obtain federal approval before making changes to their voting laws. As President, she would likely prioritize passing this legislation to protect the voting rights of all Americans.

  • Election Security: Harris has expressed concern about foreign interference in U.S. elections and has called for stronger election security measures. She introduced the Secure Elections Act, which would provide states with funding to replace outdated voting machines, require post-election audits, and enhance cybersecurity for election systems. As President, she would likely continue to focus on securing the integrity of U.S. elections and ensuring that every vote is counted.

8. Foreign Policy and Global Leadership

  • Rebuilding Alliances: Harris has emphasized the importance of restoring America's alliances and leadership on the global stage. She supports rejoining international agreements like the Paris Agreement on climate change and the Iran nuclear deal. As President, she would likely prioritize rebuilding relationships with NATO allies, re-engaging with multilateral organizations like the United Nations, and promoting human rights and democracy around the world.

  • Human Rights and Democracy Promotion: Harris has been a vocal advocate for human rights, both domestically and internationally. She supports imposing sanctions on authoritarian regimes and individuals responsible for human rights abuses. As President, she would likely continue to prioritize human rights in U.S. foreign policy, supporting pro-democracy movements and holding dictators accountable for their actions.

  • Trade and Economic Policy: Harris has advocated for fair trade policies that protect American workers and industries while promoting global economic stability. She has supported efforts to renegotiate trade agreements to ensure they include strong labor and environmental standards. As President, she would likely pursue trade policies that balance the interests of American workers with the need to maintain strong economic ties with key trading partners.

My Final Thoughts...

Kamala Harris's potential presidency would likely focus on bold reforms across multiple sectors, with an emphasis on equity, justice, and sustainability. Her policies would aim to address systemic inequalities, protect individual rights, and promote a more inclusive and fair society, both domestically and globally.

Comments can be sent to: EditorialDepartmentJapan @ SavvyJapan-Today.com or in English contact us at: +81.70.9041.6946 Tokyo, Japan.

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