
Looking-to-hire-English-speaking-sales-staff-in-Japan globalized world, effective cross-cultural communication is imperative, SavvyJapan-Today’s ABCDEFGHIJKLM


Daniel TJ International Reporter Tokyo Japan 35 Years

4/19/20242 min read

closeup photography of woman smiling
closeup photography of woman smiling


  • 英語を学ぶ時間がありませんか?東京やその他の地域で働き、セールス経験と日本のマナーにも精通しているネイティブな英語を話すスタッフを採用しましょう。

  • 日本の企業は英語を学ぶための時間がありません。日本でのセールス経験と英語コミュニケーションに長けたネイティブな英語を話す営業代表を採用することで、利益をより速く増やしましょう。

  • 従業員が英語を学ぶのを待つ時間はありません。20年以上の日本での生活と仕事の経験を持つネイティブな英語を話す営業代表を採用しましょう!

  • We sell your Japanese product or service in English at the Native Level

  • No time to learn English? Hire native English speaking staff who live and work in Tokyo and beyond with Sales Experience as well as Japanese manner knowledge

  • Increase profits faster by hiring a native English speaking Sales Representative who has lived and worked in Japan in Sales and English Communication Services

  • Your Japanese company does not have time to wait for your staff to learn English. Hire a native English speaking Sales Representative with experience living and working in Japan over 20 years

Looking for native English speaking sales staff in Japan?

Daniel TJ International Reporter Tokyo, Japan April 20, 2024 Hire Sales Staff Japan


日本から素晴らしい製品やサービスを持っていますが、国際市場への進出に障害があります。しかし、SavvyJapan-Today.com が日本に駐在する英語を話す営業代表のチームで解決策を提供します。


SavvyJapan-Today のチームを特筆するのは、彼らの英語能力です。これにより、言語の壁がなくなり、英語圏でのコミュニケーションや取引が円滑に行われます。フリーランサーとしても、正社員としても活躍する私たちの代表者は、より広範な顧客層へのアクセスのためのゲートウェイとして機能します。



現代のグローバル化された世界では、効果的な異文化コミュニケーションが不可欠であり、SavvyJapan-Today のチームはこの点で優れています。グローバル市場への参入を目指しているか、日本で国際的な訪問者に販売を目指している場合でも、私たちの代表者は成功を導くスキルと専門知識を備えています。

SavvyJapan-Today の英語を話す日本で働く営業代表は、文化理解、英語の能力、営業の専門知識が融合した存在です。彼らの経験とコミットメントにより、企業が国際市場で繁栄する手助けをしま す。

Looking for native English speaking sales staff in Japan?

You have a great product or service made in Japan, but you're encountering obstacles in penetrating international markets or selling to visitors right here in Japan.

Fear not, because SavvyJapan-Today.com provides a solution with English-speaking Sales Representatives living and working right here in Tokyo, Japan.

Our professionals are not your average sales agents. They are seasoned experts who have resided and worked in Japan for an average of over 20 years.

They understand Japanese culture and only speak English with your local or global foreign customers.

This familiarity enables them to navigate Japanese etiquette, societal norms, and consumer behavior adeptly.

What distinguishes SavvyJapan-Today’s native English Sales Representatives, is their proficiency in Sales & Marketing in English.

This eliminates language barriers, facilitating smooth communication and transactions in English-speaking markets in Japan or overseas.

Whether working as freelancers or full-time employees, our representatives serve as a gateway to accessing a wider customer base.

Furthermore, our Native English Sales Representatives are well-versed and possess knowledge of Japanese business culture, Japanese customs, Japanese expectations, and Japanese norms - allowing Native English Sales Representatives to establish trust and rapport with Japanese companies and organizations as well as international clients.

In a relationship-centric society like Japan, this cultural awareness is invaluable for nurturing long-term partnerships.

Additionally, our Native English speaking Sales Representatives don’t merely sell products; they embody the brand they represent.

They act as brand ambassadors, advocating for products and services with passion and authenticity. Through their professionalism and dedication, they uphold the brand's integrity and reputation in the Japanese market.

In today's globalized world, effective cross-cultural communication is imperative, and SavvyJapan-Today’s Native English Speaking Sales Representatives excels in this aspect.

Whether you're seeking entry into the global market or aiming to sell to international visitors in Japan, our representatives possess the skills and expertise to drive success.

SavvyJapan-Today’s Native English-speaking Sales Representatives who are located in Japan offer a fusion of cultural understanding, English linguistic proficiency, and sales expertise.

With their experience and commitment, they are well-equipped to assist businesses in thriving in the international market.

If you are searching for Native English Language sales staff in Japan, contact us at: SavvyTalentJapan@savvyjapan-today.com in any language or call our office in Tokyo at: 070.9041.6946


View the Photography of Michael Briggs Images today and make contact with Michael Briggs at: MichaelBriggsImages @ SavvyJapan-Today.com or in English call our office in Tokyo, Japan at: 070.9041.6946 during normal business hours for additional information.