
My-Job-Hunt-In-Malta-Success! Is there a way to job hunt without all the hard work? How can job hunters take a back seat to job hunting? Is better way? YS


Michael Machida Career Search Consultant

6/3/20243 min read

brown and green mountain beside blue body of water under blue sky during daytime
brown and green mountain beside blue body of water under blue sky during daytime

Key Takeaways:

  • Is there a way to job hunt without all the hard work?

  • How can job hunters take a back seat to job hunting?

  • Is there a better way to job hunt?


Michael Machida Career Search Consultant TheJEGroup! Tokyo, Japan

This story begins in the tiny town of Canfield, Ohio, in America - where Richard's story begins against the backdrop of farms and cows roaming the landscape and where dreams seem as distant as the stars.

Since the pandemic's grip, Richard's life spiraled into an emotional rollercoaster of job rejections and financial struggle.

Canfield, Ohio is a very small town that does not have a lot of jobs or people for that matter.

As a once dedicated office staff at the high school, Richard found himself out of work, battling against the odds just to stay afloat.

In a moment of despair, amidst rain-soaked farmland and local vegetable stands, Richard stumbles upon TheJEGroup! online, a beacon of hope in the darkest of times.

Richard never heard of TheJEGroup! before. He only surfs the internet to play games or look for a new girlfriend. Neither, he is good at.

With a leap of faith, he enlists the assistance of this global company, unaware of the life-changing experience that lies ahead for him.

Guided by his new dedicated Career Search Consultant [Michael Machida ], Richard's career change begins.

Now! Richard did not have to deal with the treacherous way of job hunting, begging for interviews by submitting thousands of resumes and cover letters online one by one, just to try and get a job.

TheJEGroup! presented Richard with many opportunities. However, the one that stood out to Richard was — a new role in Malta, promising full visa sponsorship and a chance to live by the shores of the Mediterranean Sea.

This was so exciting for Richard. Canfield or Malta? The choice was easy.

Richard has never lived outside of The United States. Actually, he never lived outside of Canfield, Ohio. Cows and horses was all he knew.

Richard became a member of TheJEGroup! and had an interview with his new Manager online. Actually, he had three interviews with his new Manager.

However, Michael prepared Richard for the interviews by doing simulations a few times before the real interviews.

Up until now, all of the interviews and the assistance Richard received by Michael has all been online. The internet has really changed the way job hunters can obtain new roles with a click of a mouse!

You do not need to submit resumes for hours and hours online anymore.

Richard got the job after all of the online interviews, and soon prepared to relocate overseas to Malta.

In Malta, Richard's life is much different than living in Canfield, Ohio. Sure, Malta is an island - but what a beautiful island it is!

With each passing day, he finds himself falling in love with the vibrant culture and breathtaking scenery.

From his loft [provided by his new employer], Richard watches as the sunset over the Mediterranean Sea.

As Richard gets use to his life and new role, he discovers that the greatest experience lies not in the destination but in the journey itself.

Now, Richard still needs to face another challenge. However, TheJEGroup! cannot help him with this one.

Richard now needs to locate and secure a new Malta girlfriend! On his own! Good luck Richard! You can do it!

With each challenge he faced, TheJEGroup! was by his side. And every obstacle was overcome [together] as partners in his global career search.

Today, Richard's story is more than just a fantasy—it's a story of the power of TheJEGroup! and the strength of their network and connections worldwide.

And yes, Richard did report he not only found a new girlfriend, but a new wife!

Richard is getting married in a few months. Now that's the perfect ending to this amazing Career Search Success story!

Comments can be sent to: EditorialDepartmentJapan @ or in English contact us at: +81.70.9041.6946 Tokyo, Japan.

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