
No-Biden-No-Cry-No-Trump-No-Cry America would improve overall America would great again Very great again America would have better candidates for President


Daniel TJ International Reporter Tokyo Japan

7/15/20246 min read

a man sitting on a bench with a black hat and headphones on
a man sitting on a bench with a black hat and headphones on


  • America would improve overall

  • America would be great again Very great again

  • America would have better candidates for President

  • America would deal better with Russia, China, North Korea & Iran

An America Without Biden and Trump

Daniel TJ International Reporter Tokyo, Japan

No Biden No Trump World

Imagine a political landscape in America without Joe Biden and Donald Trump. This scenario would inevitably lead to significant changes across the political spectrum.

Both the Democratic and Republican parties would be forced to find new leaders, which could pave the way for a fresh set of policies and priorities.

The absence of these two figures might shift the spotlight to other pressing issues, fostering a different tone in political discourse, potentially making it less polarized.

Voters could find themselves more open to considering new ideas and candidates, reshaping the future of American politics.

The Immediate Aftermath

Democratic Party Dynamics

Without Biden, the Democratic Party would have to look for a new standard-bearer.

Biden's presidency has been marked by efforts to address the COVID-19 pandemic, economic recovery, climate change, and social justice.

His absence would create a vacuum that needs filling with a leader capable of continuing these efforts or redirecting the party’s focus.

Potential successors could include Vice President Kamala Harris, who would be the immediate heir apparent, or other prominent figures like Senator Elizabeth Warren or Governor Gavin Newsom.

Each potential candidate would bring different strengths and priorities to the table, influencing the party’s future direction.

Republican Party Dynamics

The Republican Party without Trump would face an equally significant transformation. Trump's influence on the party has been profound, reshaping its policies and voter base.

Without him, the party would need to address internal divisions between traditional conservatives and the more populist, Trump-aligned factions.

Potential new leaders could include figures like Senator Ted Cruz, Governor Ron DeSantis, or even younger, rising stars within the party.

The direction they take would depend on whether they choose to embrace Trump’s legacy or seek to return to more traditional Republican values.

Policy Shifts and New Priorities

Democratic Policy Landscape

With new leadership, the Democratic Party might see shifts in policy focus.

If a progressive leader takes the helm, there could be a stronger push towards universal healthcare, aggressive climate action, and comprehensive social justice reforms.

Alternatively, a more centrist leader might prioritize economic stability, infrastructure development, and pragmatic approaches to climate and social issues.

The party’s ability to unite its progressive and moderate wings would be crucial in determining its policy agenda.

Republican Policy Landscape

On the Republican side, new leadership could lead to a reassessment of the party’s priorities.

If the party moves away from Trump’s influence, there might be a return to traditional conservative policies such as fiscal responsibility, a strong national defense, and limited government intervention.

However, if a Trump-aligned leader rises, the party could continue to focus on populist themes like immigration control, protectionist trade policies, and skepticism of international alliances.

The direction taken would significantly impact the party’s appeal to various voter demographics.

Political Discourse and Polarization

A Shift in Tone

One of the most noticeable changes in an America without Biden and Trump might be the tone of political discourse.

Both figures have been polarizing, often leading to heated and divisive debates. New leadership could bring an opportunity for a more measured and less combative political environment.

This doesn’t mean that disagreements would disappear, but the way issues are discussed might become more constructive and less inflammatory.

Media and Public Engagement

The media landscape would also likely shift in response to the absence of these high-profile figures.

News coverage might become less centered on personality-driven stories and more focused on policy and governance.

This could encourage a more informed and engaged public, as the sensationalism that often accompanies Trump and Biden’s coverage diminishes.

Social media discourse might also see a change, with less emphasis on personal attacks and more on substantive debates about policies and their impacts.

Voter Behavior and New Opportunities

Opening Up the Political Spectrum

Voters might find themselves more willing to explore new ideas and candidates without the overwhelming presence of Biden and Trump.

This could lead to a broader political spectrum, with third-party candidates and independent voices gaining more traction. The political landscape could become more competitive, with a wider array of choices for voters.

Engaging the Youth

The absence of these figures could also lead to increased political engagement among younger voters.

ounger generations, who might feel disillusioned by the current political climate, could be inspired by new leaders who address their concerns more directly.

Issues like climate change, student debt, and social justice are particularly important to younger voters, and new leaders who prioritize these issues could mobilize this demographic in unprecedented ways.

Potential Challenges and Risks

Internal Party Conflicts

While the absence of Biden and Trump could lead to positive changes, it could also bring challenges.

Both parties might face internal conflicts as they seek new leaders and define their future directions.

These conflicts could weaken party unity and hinder their ability to effectively govern. Navigating these internal dynamics would be crucial for both parties to remain cohesive and competitive.

Navigating Uncertain Times

America is currently facing numerous challenges, including economic uncertainty, social justice issues, and global instability.

New leaders would need to navigate these complex issues without the established political capital and experience of Biden and Trump.

This transition period could be fraught with difficulties as new leaders find their footing and establish their legitimacy.

The Global Perspective

Shifting International Relations

Internationally, the absence of Biden and Trump would be felt keenly.

Biden has been working to rebuild alliances and restore America’s leadership on the global stage, while Trump’s tenure was marked by a more isolationist approach.

New leaders could either continue Biden’s efforts or revert to a more Trump-like stance, impacting international relations and global stability.

The direction taken would influence America’s role in addressing global challenges such as climate change, security threats, and economic cooperation.

Global Perception of America

The world’s perception of America could also change.

Biden’s presidency has been seen as a return to traditional diplomacy, while Trump’s approach was more unpredictable.

A new administration could either reinforce or alter these perceptions, depending on their policies and diplomatic strategies.

How America is viewed globally affects not just diplomatic relations but also international business and cultural exchanges.

The Future of American Democracy

Strengthening Democratic Institutions

A key aspect of an America without Biden and Trump would be the opportunity to strengthen democratic institutions.

Both presidencies have highlighted weaknesses in the political system, from election security to the balance of powers.

New leaders could focus on reforms to ensure a more resilient and fair democratic process.

This might include measures to protect voting rights, reduce partisan gerrymandering, and increase transparency in government.

Civic Engagement

There could also be a renewed emphasis on civic engagement.

Without the polarizing figures of Biden and Trump, Americans might feel more inclined to participate in the democratic process.

This could lead to higher voter turnout, more involvement in local governance, and a stronger overall commitment to civic duties.

Engaged citizens are crucial for a healthy democracy, and new leadership could foster a more participatory political culture.

My final thoughts...

An America without Joe Biden and Donald Trump would usher in a period of significant change.

Both parties would need to navigate the challenges of finding new leaders and defining their future directions.

The political landscape could become less polarized, with a focus on substantive policy debates rather than personality-driven conflicts.

Voters might feel more empowered to explore new ideas and candidates, potentially leading to a more dynamic and diverse political environment.

While there would be challenges to overcome, the absence of these two figures could ultimately lead to a healthier and more robust democracy, better equipped to address the complex issues facing the nation.

Questions About the Article

  1. How might the Democratic Party's policy focus shift if Kamala Harris became the new leader?

  2. What potential leaders could emerge within the Republican Party if Trump were absent, and how might they differ in policy?

  3. In what ways could the tone of political discourse change without Biden and Trump?

  4. How might media coverage of politics change in the absence of Biden and Trump?

  5. What impact could the absence of Biden and Trump have on voter behavior and engagement with third-party candidates?

  6. How could younger voters be more politically engaged with new leaders in place?

Discussion Questions

  1. What are the key qualities that a new political leader should possess to successfully lead the Democratic or Republican Party?

  2. How important is it for new leaders to address the concerns of younger voters, and what strategies could they use to do so?

  3. What lessons can be learned from Biden and Trump’s presidencies that could guide future political leaders?

  4. How might the absence of polarizing figures like Biden and Trump influence the public’s trust in government?

  5. What role should the media play in shaping the political discourse in a post-Biden and Trump era?

  6. How can both parties effectively manage internal conflicts to present a united front to voters?

  7. What are some potential benefits and drawbacks of increased voter engagement with third-party candidates?

  8. How can America balance its domestic policy priorities with its role in international relations under new leadership?

  9. In what ways can reforms to the democratic process ensure a more fair and resilient political system?

  10. How can new political leaders foster a culture of civic engagement and participation among all demographics?

Comments can be sent to: EditorialDepartmentJapan @ or in English contact us at: +81.70.9041.6946 Tokyo, Japan.

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