Best Way to Learn Japanese Fast with Savvy Japan Today

Discover the fastest way to learn Japanese with Savvy Japan! Our free Japanese language method makes learning easy and effective. Start your journey today and master the language with our proven techniques.


Daniel TJ International Reporter Tokyo, Japan

10/16/20243 min read

a row of orange signs with asian writing on them
a row of orange signs with asian writing on them

JAPANESE: The Best Way To Learn The Language Fast!

Daniel TJ International Reporter Tokyo, Japan

So, I have lived and worked in Japan from America for 30 years and Michael Machida who is the Career Search Consultant at TheJEGroup! and partner with SavvyJapan-Today has lived in Japan he said for about 24 years. And we have the perfect way for anyone to learn Japanese fast.

We both have taken Japanese lessons from professional Japanese Teachers and we both have used apps and online resources as well. They are fine tools to use and some of the tools actually do work. However, we are not all the same and we all learn differently.

My level of Japanese is not at the advanced stage and Michael's Japanese is about intermediate.

We both have Japanese co-workers and also Japanese friends who we speak to in Japanese and we also speak to each other in Japanese which is strange because we are both American. However, we tend to forget to switch back to English at times.

We were asked by one of the visitors here on SavvyJapan-Today this question: What is the best way to learn Japanese? What is the fastest way to learn Japanese? And What is the most efficient way to learn Japanese?

Now remember, everyone learns at different rates. Everyone learns at different speeds. And, everyone learns at different levels.


That means, we are all different in our ways of learning.

Having said that, studies have found that the best way for just anyone to learn Japanese is to take a look at this:

Konnichiwa. Watashi no namae wa Daniel TJ desu. no kokusai kisha o shiteimasu. Watashi wa Nihon ni 30 nen ijou sunde hataraiteimasu.

The truth is, you do not need to hire a Japanese language teacher. You do not need to use an app. And you do not need to buy expensive books to learn Japanese from.

When you were a baby, how did you learn to speak? You heard language from Mother and Father. You repeated what they said. You had no idea what was being communicated but you heard and repeated.

That's it. Now, what you need to do is use ChatGPT or any online news out of Japan that is Romaji and read the entire article.

You do not need to understand what you are reading at first. You just read from the beginning to the end ten times and the next day you can look up the vocabulary and then read it again.

Let me be clear. The first ten times you read the Romaji, do not look up the words in the dictionary. If you do, you diminish the results.


When you were a baby listening to your Mother and Father speaking some strange language that you could not understand, you did not use a dictionary to understand what they were saying. You repeated it many times before your Mother and Father showed you what the language meant.

So now that you have this information about the best method to learn Japanese, go find some Romaji and start reading. And one more thing! And this is equally as important:


When you are reading Romaji, read out loud. Not silent. This is important because speaking the words enables your brain to create a new groove that will be permanent. If you read silently, your brain may not create a new groove to fill in the new language.

That said, go read Romaji and have fun with your new language.

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